What is street marketing? Street marketing is a concept born in the United States around the 1980s. This revolutionary concept is the ideal ally for a brand to make its way among others. In other words, street marketing is par excellence the most widely used means of advertising. Flash mobs are one of the most popular forms of street marketing for companies. But what is the flash mob? Here are the secrets of flash mob advertising.


To stand out from the others, this is the objective of any commercial company during product launches. The flash mob has become "the means of communication". A means of communication that has been very much in demand by major brands in recent years. How to organize your Flash mob? The key step of a flash mob is to understand its function. Generally speaking, this concept is a staging designed to entertain. In order to capture the public's attention, the chosen act must be spontaneous and short. The number can be a dance performance or a song that creates the buzz. The objective is to organize a large-scale event. In other words, you need to organize a big event with a lot of people. Don't forget that the main function of a flash mob is to make a product known. This means that it should not be used in the long term: to promote a product. Other key steps in the organization are: choosing the number to perform, viewing other flash mobs to avoid the impression of déjà vu, giving directions to the participants for the smooth running of the event and then choosing the right location for your theme.


What place to choose for your flash mob? This is an essential question for this kind of event. Before choosing a location, take a good look at it and don't rush. The secret is to choose a place that would be in total osmosis with your theme. Above all, avoid places that might have limitations. Whether they are safety, physical or legal limits. For the flash mob to run smoothly, avoid illegal things that are sanctioned. Avoid including elements in your organization that could be dangerous for the participants, but especially for the target audience. Opt for a quiet place away from city traffic. Organise the flash mob in a neutral place. Respect the golden rule: do not disturb others. Your filming, your event must in no way interfere with the daily life of others. For example, if you choose a building, do not block the emergency exit or the exit of the building.


Props and costumes, details not to be overlooked in street marketing. For the success of your flash mob, find original outfits and accessories that create that magic so sought after in advertisements. The ideal would be to create these important details yourself. Specialists and bloggers even recommend organizing a workshop for the creation of costumes or accessories. A workshop that would take place a few weeks before the fateful date. Why organize a creative workshop? The answer is simple: to give each participant the opportunity to create all by himself as well as to teach everyone team spirit. Teach participants to create unique and playful objects and outfits that will attract the attention of the general public. Attention! Don't get lost, the outfits and accessories created must always be in line with the theme of your event. Advertising must above all convey the image of the brand concerned.


Why film street marketing? In the digital age in which the world's population now lives, video is more important than the written word. The whole world is more viral! A video is the most effective means of communication. In addition, a fun flash mob video would attract more public attention. So, film your event, and make sure it is of high quality. Make sure that the quality of the video is good, even excellent. A good quality video better conveys the message you want to get across. To do this, hire professionals, not amateurs, to film. Professionals to advise you and to guide the participants during the shooting. Don't worry, the investment is worth it. Hiring professionals can be expensive, but in the long run it's more profitable. A video filmed by professionals can easily be put online on social networks and on the internet. The video will indeed be easily downloadable. The big advantage is that once online, the video will be viewed by billions of people.

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